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Common Questions

How do I log into my account?

Click on the Login button at the top of our website. You will be prompted to enter the Email Address and Password associated with your TelePray Number. This logs into your dashboard, where you can monitor a live conference, access your activity history and recordings, and modify the settings for your prayer line.

I forgot my TelePray Number or login info.

To find your TelePray access number, click on the Login button at the top of our website, then login with your Email Address and Password. Your TelePray Number is displayed at the top of your account dashboard. If you do not remember your password, click on the Forgot Password link on the login page. If you do not remember which email address is linked to your TelePray account, please contact us and provide your TelePray Number so we can find your account.

What is the Host PIN for? Do I need to enter it to start my conference?

The Host PIN can be used to make any participant in your conference a host, which provides them with access to the Host Keypad Commands and keeps them un-muted when the conference is placed into either Presentation Mode or Question & Answer Mode. This PIN is also used to log into the Guest Host Dashboard, which allows somebody to manage your conferences in your absence, without giving them access to account information.

A host is not required unless the Conference Start setting is set to either “When host joins” or “When host confirms”, or if the Conference Mode setting is not set to “Conversation Mode”. See Configuring Conference Settings for more info on these settings.

To make yourself a host during the conference, press *3 on your keypad. You will be prompted to enter the Host PIN.

How do I get conference reports sent to my email address?

Log into your account and select Settings in the top menu. Change the Enable Reports setting to “Yes”, verify your email address in the Send Reports To box, and click the Save button at the bottom. You can list multiple email addresses, separated by commas.

You can always access the your activity details and recordings from the History & Reports page in your account.

How can I mute or un-mute callers in my conferences?

To mute an individual caller in an active conference, login to your account and check the Mute box on that caller in the Live Conference panel. (There is no way to mute an individual caller without using the dashboard.) From your phone, you can mute or un-mute all non-hosts by using a host keypad command to change the Conference Mode. If you are not a host, you can press *3 to make yourself a Host (you will be prompted to enter your Host PIN). Press *41 to mute all non-hosts, which places the conference in Presentation Mode, where callers cannot un-mute themselves. Or, you can press *43 to place the conference in Question & Answer Mode, which also mutes all non-hosts, but tells them they can press *6 to un-mute their line. (To un-mute everybody, press *42 to place the conference in Conversation Mode.) You can also click on Settings in the menu bar to modify the default Conference Mode for your conferences – changes to the default setting take effect with the next live conference. Go to Muting Participants for more information.

How can I access my recordings, or allow others to listen to the recordings?

Your recordings can be found in the History & Recordings page in your account dashboard. Go to Recording Your Conferences for more information. If your conference was recorded and Recording Playback is enabled, you can dial (640) 220-3000 and enter your TelePray Number when prompted to listen to your recordings.

How can people in other countries join my prayer line?

If a substantial portion of your prayer group is outside U.S.A., you may find that another conference provider will better suit your needs. We do not have arrangements with phone companies outside the U.S.A. that allow us to offer unlimited free access. Foreign residents with broadband connections may be able to join using our WebCall feature, however this feature does not work well in countries with less-reliable networks, like Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

How do I close or pause my account?

Since there is no cost to maintain your account, you are welcome to keep it in case a future need arises. If there is no activity for a consecutive period of 180 days, your account may be automatically terminated under the TelePray service terms. If you wish to terminate your account (and permanently delete your settings, call history and recordings), please send an email from the address listed on your account to Alternatively, we can temporarily disable the use of your conference line. When your conference line is disabled, it cannot be used for a live conference, but can be re-enabled upon request. To temporarily disable your line, send your request to

Can I change my TelePray dial-in number?

If others are using your TelePray number without your permission, we can issue you a replacement number. Please contact for assistance. Alternatively, you can block unauthorized callers from accessing your TelePray conferences by adding their phone numbers to your Caller List and checking the Block box.

Can I have more than one TelePray number?

TelePray accounts are linked to a specific email address, and only one TelePray number can be assigned to an account. You must use a different email address to create an additional TelePray account. TelePray reserves the right to restrict or cancel multiple accounts created by the same person or organization. TelePray accounts are for personal use, and cannot be resold or otherwise used for commercial purposes. Under the TelePray Service Terms, you must use the service during the initial 30-day period, plus at least once every 180 days. Inactive accounts are subject to cancellation, and your TelePray number may be re-assigned to another customer.

Can I remove any of the announcements (e.g., “This conference is being recorded.”)

We can remove some of the normal system announcements for you. Contact for assistance.


Automatically make yourself a host when you join.

You can add any phone number to your Caller List, and check the “Join as Host” box, so that future calls from that phone number to your TelePray Number will automatically be designated as a Host when joining the conference. (Those designated as hosts will hear a confirmation message, “You are a host.”, when calling your TelePray Number.) If you always call from the same phones, this makes it easy to access host keypad commands without needing to enter your Host PIN.

Replace hold music with a recorded message.

Instead of choosing among our on-hold music selections, you can upload a recorded message to play when there is no conference in progress. Login to your dashboard, click on Settings, and click on the Upload Music On Hold button. Most smartphone allow you to record a voice message, which you can save and upload to our platform. Another option is to use your conference line to record a new message to set as the hold message, following these steps:

  1. Join your prayer line as a host.
  2. Press *90 to activate a one-party live conference.
  3. Press *1 to turn on recording.
  4. Record your message.
  5. When finished, press *91 or hang up to end the conference.
  6. Login into your control panel, go to History & Recordings, and clicking on the Recording icon to access the Recording Menu for the most recent conference.
  7. Click on the Download button to save the recording to your device.
  8. Go to the Settings page, click on the Upload Music On Hold button, and upload the recording file.
Adjust settings for conferences with more than 20 participants.

The initial default settings on your prayer line are appropriate for most small groups. No host is required (the first two arrivals can speak to each other), you hear a chime when anybody joins or leaves the conference, and all participants can speak. However, for larger conferences you should modify these settings to minimize disruptions and unwelcome background noise. We recommend the following adjustments for larger conferences:

  • Conference Start – “When host joins” or “When host confirms”. Callers will hear music-on-hold until the host starts the conference.
  • Conference Mode – Presentation Mode.
  • Entry & Exit Alerts – None.

It may be fine to start the conference in Conversation mode to allow participants to comment prior to your worship program, but switch to Presentation Mode when you're ready to begin (press *41). If you wish to allow audience participation in a large conference, we recommend using the “Raise Your Hand” feature. Go to Manage Q&A Session for full details on this feature and other configuration options.


The conference isn't starting – everybody is hearing hold music. How do I start the conference?

This happens when the Conference Start setting is either “when host joins” or “when host confirms”, and none of the parties has joined the call as a host. (Of course, it may be because the host simply hasn't yet arrived.) If you know the Host PIN, you can press *3, and you will hear a prompt to enter the Host PIN. If the Conference Start setting is “when host confirms”, press *3 again to start the conference.

The Conference Start setting can be modified via the Settings tab in the Account Dashboard. See Conference Settings for more information.

How do I join the call as a host?

Press *3 and you will be prompted enter your Host PIN.

I'm hearing echo. How can I remove it?

Echo is introduced by one or more of the parties on the conference call. Echo is supposed to be filtered out by the caller's phone or by echo cancelers in the phone network. Echo occurs because the caller's microphone is picking up the audio from the speaker, and re-transmitting it back into the conference call. Because of the normal latency in conference calls (generally between a half-second and one-second), the echo is very noticeable. Often this comes from speakerphones with poor echo cancellation or cell phones because of their shape. The first challenge is to identify the source of the echo. You can ask participants to mute their lines by pressing *6, and to un-mute by pressing *6 again when they need to speak. Or, if you are dialed in as a Host, you can press *43 on your keypad to mute all the participants (they will be told they can un-mute by pressing *6). Once you identify the source of the echo, you can ask that caller to remove speakerphone mode (if applicable), or ask him to hang up and dial back in. (Often, redialing will get around the problem.)

Echo is not created by the conferencing system, and trying to remove it would increase latency. (Latency is the delay between when you speak and when others hear you.) The best remedy is to remove the echo at its source.

I'm hearing noise or persistent static?

Most commonly, noise and static is coming from one or more of the phone lines that is connected into the conference. Our audio mixer filters out low-volume line noise, but a caller may simply have a bad connection. The more callers dialed into the conference, the greater the likelihood of caller-introduced background noise or line static. If you expect more than a dozen participants, you should consider putting the conference into Presentation Mode or Question & Answer Mode, which automatically mutes all non-Hosts when they arrive.

If you encounter noise or static during a conference, ask all callers to press *6 on their keypads to mute their lines. If the noise disappears, then you know it was coming from one of the now-muted lines. (A caller can press *6 again to un-mute their line. If the noise recurs, then you've discovered its source. Ask that caller to hang up and dial back in, preferably using a different phone.) If the noise persists, contact customer support, since there might be a connection issue between the phone network and the conferencing servers. If all the callers sound “garbled” or “metallic”, or if all the callers appear to be “breaking up”, that suggests potential packet loss in the connection between the phone network and the conferencing server.

In the middle of a conference call, we start hearing hold music. What can I do to stop it?

This can occur when one of the participants in the call places his line on hold to accept another call. The caller's phone system starts playing hold music into the conference call. If you have access to the Account Dashboard, you may be able to identify the source of the hold music based on the icon status in the Activity column in the Live Conference tab and then mute that caller's line. Alternatively, you can use a Host Keypad Command, pressing *43 to mute all the lines (silencing the hold music), then instruct callers to press *6 to un-mute their lines.

Some callers are too loud or too soft. How can I adjust the volume levels?

A caller can incrementally increase his speaking volume by repeatedly pressing *86, or decrease his volume by pressing *87. Since you can't tell the volume that others are hearing you, the other participants will have to advise you on whether you should continue pressing *86 or *87 to achieve the appropriate volume. Alternatively, you can use the Account Dashboard to adjust any caller's volume. Click on the Caller ID displayed in the Live Conference tab, where you will see option to increase or decrease that caller's volume.

Why do callers get dropped from a conference call?

On average, 3% to 4% of participants dial back into conference calls after losing their phone connection. In nearly all cases, these callers are dropped by their own phone companies. (Less than one in 100,000 callers who dial in through a phone connection are dropped by the conference platform.) For regular two-party phone calls, only 1% of landline calls and 3% of mobile calls are dropped prematurely. However, conference calls typically last five to six times longer than normal two-party phone calls, which leads to a higher incidence of call drops during conference calls.

If you experience frequent call drops when joining conferences, there may be a technical issue in the connection between your phone company and the phone company who provides the conference dial-in number. Contact customer support for assistance. Please note that we generally cannot open trouble tickets with the caller's phone company. Our providers can investigate call drops that may have occurred in their networks, but in most cases, only the caller can initiate a trouble ticket to investigate the source of call drops that occur “upstream” from our phone provider.

How do I turn off alerts when callers join or leave the conference?

The Host can press *78 to turn off entry and exit chimes. If you want to make this change before a conference starts, log in to the Account Dashboard, and click the Settings tab. Choose None for Entry and Exit Alerts and save your changes. If the conference is already in progress, you can turn the Entry and Exit Alerts off using the selection boxes at the top of the Live Conference tab in the dashboard.

I accidentally deleted a conference recording. Can I get it back?

Yes. When you delete a recording in the Account Dashboard, you are actually only deleting the link to the recording, not the recording itself. Please contact customer support to have the link restored. Make sure you provide your TelePray Number along with the date and time of your conference call.

Somebody used my TelePray line without my permission. How were they able to do that?

Cases of deliberate unauthorized use of conference lines is extremely rare. Most likely, somebody may have simply dialed your number by mistake or it was a robocall. However, many TelePray numbers are similar, and somebody may have distributed your number by mistake. Please contact support for assistance if others are using your line. If necessary, we can assign a different TelePray Number to your account.

Somebody is repeatedly joining my conference calls without permission or is disrupting the conference. Can I block that caller?

You can use the Caller List tab in the Account Dashboard to block a caller based on the Caller ID phone number. Add an entry for that caller's phone number and check the Block checkbox. If the disruptive caller is blocking their Caller ID, you can go to Settings and change Block Anonymous Callers to “Yes”.

How do I fix the caller name displayed in the Live Conference dashboard and email reports?

Each Caller ID phone number has an associated Caller Name, which TelePray obtains from a third party. In many cases, Caller Name information is not available, particularly with mobile phones. You may update the Caller Name by clicking on the Name displayed in the Live Conference dashboard, and save it to your Caller List. If there is no conference in progress, you may also add or edit names directly in the Caller List. You can also access the Caller Details page in History & Recordings for a previous conference, and edit the displayed Name, saving the change to your Caller List.