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Dial-in Recording Playback

You can allow callers to listen to recordings over the phone using the Recording Playback feature, including conference recordings or recordings uploaded to your Audio Library. Playback is not automatically enabled – it must be enabled in your Settings. Enabling Playback does not automatically cause conferences to be recorded; see Recording Your Conferences.

Recording Settings

There are four options for the Recording Playback setting.

Disabled Playback by phone is not enabled.
All Recordings All recent recordings* are available in Playback, excluding deleted recordings.
Selected Recordings Only Only designated recordings are available in Playback, managed in History & Recordings.
Default Recording Only Only the designated default recording is available in Playback, managed in History & Recordings.

Managing the Recording Settings

Conference recordings can be accessed in the History & Recordings page, while uploaded audio files can be accessed in the Library page. The Recording Details can be accessed by clicking on the Play icon in the History & Recording page (for conferences) or by clicking on the file Name in the Library page (for uploaded files).

History and Recordings

Each recording is assigned a Recording Number, a sequential number from 0 to 999. This number is used in Playback to select a particular recording. A maximum of 500 recordings are available in Playback. Recording Numbers re-start at 0 after 999. This page provides several options:

Download Downloads the .mp3 audio file to your device. This allows you to permanently save the recording.
Copy Link Copies the URL to your clickboard, which you can paste into an email. The linked page allows you to play or download the recording.
Playback Options Configure the options for Dial-in Playback. See below for details.
Delete Recording Removes the recording from current location (History & Recordings or Library).
Add to Playlist Adds the recording to the Playlist displayed in the Live Conference Manager.
Listen to Recording Click on the Play icon to listen to the recording on your device.

Configuring the Playback Options

Click on the Playback Options button to access the dial-in playback settings. Note that these optional settings apply only to Dial-in Playback usage and do not otherwise modify the recording when downloaded or broadcasted into a live conference through the Playlist.

Playback Options
Select For Playback If the Default Setting for Recording Playback is “Selected Recordings Only”, checking this box makes this recording available for Playback. If the default setting is “All Recordings“, this setting is ignored.
Default for Playback If checked, this is the only recording available for Playback. Callers will not be prompted to enter a Recording Number; this recording will play automatically.
Trim For Silence There are three options to skip silence at the beginning of the recording (sample each option for best fit), or you can manually set a precise start position in the recording in minutes and seconds (mm:ss). 00:23 means the playback will begin at the point 23 seconds into the recording. If necessary, you can apply a more precise starting position (hh:mm:ss.000).
Passcode You can specify a passcode of four or more digits. If a passcode is set, Playback callers will be prompted to enter the passcode to gain access to the recording.
Available If specified, this is the earliest time that the recording will be available in Playback. Use the format MMM-DD-YYYY HH:MM AM/PM. For example “Nov-10-2023 12:00 AM”. (The applicable Time Zone is configured in Settings.)
Expires If specified, this is the latest time that the recording will be available in Playback.

The recording icon displayed in History & Recordings indicates the active Playback Settings.

No playback settings have been applied.
Passcode is required for playback.
Selected for playback in “Selected For Playback” mode.
Selected for playback, with passcode required.
Default for playback.
Default for playback, with passcode required.

Note that audio files uploaded to the Audio Library are also available via Playback, and each uploaded recording is assigned a Recording Number, which is displayed in the Library list. On the Library page, click on the Settings icon to set the Playback Options for uploaded recordings, which are the same as those for conference recordings. The Playback column in Library indicates if any Playback Options have been assigned to that recording:

Selected for Playback.
Default for Playback.
Passcode is required for Playback.

Listening to a Recording

The access phone number for playback (referred to as the “Playback Number”) is displayed on the Recording Details page, and may be different than the phone number shown in the image shown above. Callers who dial the Playback Number will first be prompted to enter the TelePray Number. (In some cases, a Playback Number is linked to a particular TelePlay Number and does not prompt the caller to enter a TelePray Number.) Unless a Default Recording is set, callers will be given the option of entering a Recording Number (to listen to a particular recording), or listen to the most recent available recording. The assigned Recording Number can be found in History & Recordings (for conference recordings) or Library (for uploaded recordings). The post-conference Email Report will also list the Playback Number and Recording Number. You cannot modify the Recording Number.

You can navigate through playback with the following keypad commands. (Caller will hear this command menu before playback begins.)

4 Rewind 30 seconds
5 Pause or Resume
6 Fast-forward one minute