Need Help?

In order to keep this service 100% free, we do not provide telephone support. TelePray is designed to be highly customizable, yet simple to use and easy to configure. The Help Center provide detailed instructions for adjusting your settings and managing your conference calls.

This page provides answers to the most common questions we receive, and provides useful tips for optimizing your TelePray line.

Our Most Common Questions

How do I log into my account?
Click on the Login button at the top of our website. You will be prompted to enter the Email Address and Password associated with your TelePray Number. This logs into your dashboard, where you can monitor a live conference, access your activity history and recordings, and modify the settings for your prayer line.
I forgot my TelePray Number or login info.
To find your TelePray access number, click on the Login button at the top of our website, then login with your Email Address and Password. Your TelePray Number is displayed at the top of your account dashboard. If you do not remember your password, click on the Forgot Password link on the login page. If you do not remember which email address is linked to your TelePray account, please contact us and provide your TelePray Number so we can find your account.
How do I get conference reports sent to my email address?
Log into your account and select Settings in the top menu. Change the Enable Reports setting to “Yes”, verify your email address in the Send Reports To box, and click the Save button at the bottom. You can list multiple email addresses, separated by commas.
I'm not receiving my conference email reports.
Log into your account, click on Settings in the top menu, and confirm that Enable Reports is set to “Yes”. Make sure that your email address is typed correctly in the Send Reports To box. If the settings are correct and you're not receiving the reports, this either means that the reports are being routed to a spam folder or blocked by your email provider. Unfortunately, these are not issues that we can fix on our end. The best option is to try a different email address. You can always access the your activity details and recordings from the History & Reports page in your account.
How can I mute or un-mute callers in my conferences?
To mute an individual caller in an active conference, login to your account and check the Mute box on that caller in the Live Conference panel. (There is no way to mute an individual caller without using the dashboard.) From your phone, you can mute or un-mute all non-hosts by using a host keypad command to change the Conference Mode. If you are not a host, you can press *3 to make yourself a Host (you will be prompted to enter your Host PIN). Press *41 to mute all non-hosts, which places the conference in Presentation Mode, where callers cannot un-mute themselves. Or, you can press *43 to place the conference in Question & Answer Mode, which also mutes all non-hosts, but tells them they can press *6 to un-mute their line. (To un-mute everybody, press *42 to place the conference in Conversation Mode.) You can also click on Settings in the menu bar to modify the default Conference Mode for your conferences – changes to the default setting take effect with the next live conference. Click on the Help Center link in the top menu to learn more about controlling your conference calls.
How can I access my recordings, or allow others to listen to the recordings?
Your recordings can be found in the History & Recordings page in your account dashboard. For detailed instructions on recording options, click on the Help Center link in the top menu, then click on Recording Your Conferences in the Manage Live Conferences section. If your conference was recorded and Recording Playback is enabled, you can dial (640) 220-3000 and enter your TelePray Number when prompted to listen to your recordings.
Calls to my prayer line number are not connecting (busy signal, etc.).
Our conferencing platform has operated at 100% reliability over the past five years, so most likely the problem is somewhere in the phone network. While in rare cases there may a network outage or congestion, the most common reason for connection difficulties is a routing error somewhere in the path between your phone company and your dial-in access number. Most often, these routing errors only affect callers in a particular location using a particular phone company – other callers may be able to get through without difficulty. While you are welcome to report these problems to us, resolving routing issues usually takes several hours and sometimes several days. However, your prayer is always accessible by dialing one of our back-up access numbers: (848) 800-7729 or (640) 800-7729. (That's 848-800-PRAY or 640-800-PRAY on the keypad.) Callers to either back-up number will be prompted to enter your TelePray Number, and they will join the conference as if they directly dialed your TelePray Number. Another option is to connect through the internet using WebCall, which can be accessed at If you are experiencing a persistent problem, please contact us and we can assign you a new TelePray Number that might bypass a routing problem associated with your current number.
Somebody was dropped from my conference. Can you prevent this?
Over 99% of dropped calls occur within the caller's phone network, and we are not allowed to file trouble tickets with the caller's phone company. (They only accept complaints from their own customers, and phone companies will not investigate isolated call drops – only repeatable and chronic call drops.) Our statistics indicate that about 5% of callers re-join the same conference shortly after disconnecting, which suggests that about one in twenty callers will get dropped during your conference calls. If one of your participants reports a persistent problem, ask them to try dialing one of our backup Access Numbers: (848) 800-7229 or (640) 800-7729. (Callers to these backup phone numbers will be prompted to enter your TelePray Number to join your conference call.) Sometimes, dialing a different Access Number will change the network route, and bypass a technical issue that may be causing frequent call drops.

Unfortunately, there is no action we can take to prevent call drops, since those occur outside of our system. However, our system does disconnect callers based on certain timers and settings. For example, there is a 30-minute inactivity time-out, where we terminate all participants if the conference has been on-hold for 30 consecutive minutes (usually because there is only one party in the conference, or the conference requires a host who did not join).
How can people in other countries join my prayer line?
If a substantial portion of your prayer group is outside U.S.A., you may find that another conference provider will better suit your needs. We do not have arrangements with phone companies outside the U.S.A. that allow us to offer unlimited free access. Foreign residents with broadband connections may be able to join using our WebCall feature, however this feature is not reliable in less-developed countries like Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
There was static or bad echo during my conference. How can this be removed?
Echo is caused by one of parties in the conference, when their microphone picks up audio from their speaker and re-transmits it into the conference. All conference platforms introduce “latency” (the gap between when you speak and the other party hears you), because of the way they work. (All mobile connections introduce a half-second latency, which isn't very detectable in a direct person-to-person phone call. However, that latency is doubled in a conference call, because there are two “legs” – one leg into the platform where the audio is mixed, plus a second leg to broadcast the mixed audio back out to the conference participants.) Usually, echo is detected and removed both in the handset and in the caller's phone network, but occasionally these “echo cancellers” fail, introducing the echo.

If you can identify which caller is introducing the echo (in many cases, that participant is one who isn't hearing the echo, since our system does not send audio back to its source), the best option is to ask that caller to hang up and re-dial into the conference. If that caller is using a speakerphone or hands-free mode, they should switch to handset mode. If you cannot determine the echo source, make yourself a conference host by pressing *3 (you will prompted to hear your Host PIN), then press *43 to place the conference into Question & Answer Mode, which should eliminate the echo. Other participants can press *6 when they wish to speak. If the echo returns, you'll know that the last party to un-mute their line is the echo source.

In most cases, noise or static is also introduced by one or more of the conference participants, though if you're hearing “skips” or metallic-sounding audio, that may be an indication that one of our data connections is impaired. To remove noise or static (or on-hold music that may be introduced if a caller in the conference places their line on hold to answer an incoming call), follow the same procedure described above to remove echo. Please contact us if everybody perceives that the audio is “breaking up”, since we may need to troubleshoot one of our data connections. (We monitor our data connections, so mostly likely we will already be trying to resolve the problem, which can take several hours.)
How do I close or suspend my account?
Since there is no cost to maintain your account, you are welcome to keep it in case a future need arises. If there is no activity for a consecutive period of 180 days, your account may be automatically terminated under the TelePray service terms. If you wish to terminate your account (and permanently delete your settings, call history and recordings), please send an email from the address listed on your account to Alternatively, we can temporarily disable the use of your conference line. When your conference line is disabled, it cannot be used for a live conference, but can be re-enabled upon request. To temporarily disable your line, send your request to
Can I change my TelePray dial-in number?
If others are using your TelePray number without your permission, we can issue you a replacement number. Please contact for assistance. Alternatively, you can block unauthorized callers from accessing your TelePray conferences by adding their phone numbers to your Caller List and checking the Block box.
Can I get more than one TelePray number?
TelePray accounts are linked to a specific email address, and only one TelePray number can be assigned to an account. You must use a different email address to create an additional TelePray account. TelePray reserves the right to restrict or cancel multiple accounts created by the same person or organization. TelePray accounts are for personal use, and cannot be resold or otherwise used for commercial purposes.
I clicked the "Mute All" button, but new arrivals are not muted. How can I ensure that all callers are muted?
The Conference Mode setting controls the muting status. Change the Conference Mode to either Presentation or Question & Answer to mute all new arrivals. More information is available in the Help Center.
We heard the announcement “The conference will end in five minutes.” What caused this?
There are three possible reasons for the system automatically ending your conference. The most common situation is that the Conference End setting specifies that the conference will automatically end after the host leaves the conference. You can log into your TelePray account, go to the Settings page, and change this setting to “When last caller leaves”. This could also have resulted from one of two system time-outs. There is a 30-minute pending timer that applies to inactive conferences – if somebody has been waiting for your conference to start for thirty minutes, the conference will automatically end. There is also a 24-hour time limit for TelePray conferences – if at least one person has remained in your conference for 24 consecutive hours, the conference will automatically end. Contact if you would like us to modify or remove these time limits.
Can I remove any of the announcements (e.g., “This conference is being recorded.”)
We can remove some of the normal system announcements for you. Contact for assistance.

Tips – Get More From Your Prayer Line

Automatically make yourself a host when you join.
You can add any phone number to your Caller List, and check the “Join as Host” box, so that future calls from that phone number to your TelePray Number will automatically be designated as a Host when joining the conference. (You will hear a confirmation message, “You are a host.”, when calling your TelePray Number.) If you always call from the same phones, this makes it easy to access host keypad commands without needing to enter your Host PIN.
Replace hold music with a recorded message.
Instead of choosing among our on-hold music selections, you can upload a recorded message to play when there is no conference in progress. Login to your dashboard, click on Settings, and click on the Upload Music On Hold button. Most smartphone allow you to record a voice message, which you can save and upload to our platform. Another option is to use your conference line to record a new message to set as the hold message, following these steps:

1. Join your prayer line as a host.
2. Press *90 to activate a one-party live conference.
3. Press *1 to turn on recording.
4. Record your message.
5. When finished, press *91 or hang up to end the conference.
6. Login into your control panel, go to History & Recordings, and clicking on the Recording icon to access the Recording Menu for the most recent conference.
7. Click on the Download button to save the recording to your device.
8. Go to the Settings page, click on the Upload Music On Hold button, and upload the recording file.
Adjust settings for conferences with more than 20 participants.
The initial default settings on your prayer line are appropriate for most small groups. No host is required (the first two arrivals can speak to each other), you hear a chime when anybody joins or leaves the conference, and all participants can speak. However, for larger conferences you should modify these settings to minimize disruptions and unwelcome background noise. We recommend the following adjustments for larger conferences:

Conference Start – “When host joins” or “When host confirms”. Callers will hear music-on-hold until the host starts the conference.
Conference Mode – Presentation Mode.
Entry & Exit Alerts – None.

It may be fine to start the conference in Conversation mode to allow participants to comment prior to your worship program, but switch to Presentation Mode when you're ready to begin (press *41). If you wish to allow audience participation in a large conference, we recommend using the “Raise Your Hand” feature. Go to the Help Center and click on Manage Q&A Session in the Advanced Features section for full details on this feature and other configuration options.
Solicit private requests and contributions with breakout rooms
Breakout rooms (or subconferences) allow for private conversations between two or more callers while the main conference is in progress. Join the conference and log into your dashboard to manage this process.

1. Instruct callers to press *5 to make a private request. (This will “Raise Their Hand”.)
2. Click on the open checkbox in the left column for both yourself and one of the Raised-Hand callers. (You will see a Hand icon in the right column.)
3. Click on the More button above the active caller list and choose Send to Sub Conference.
4. Type your name in pop-up box and click the OK button. This will place both of you into a private subconference.
5. In the top menu, click on “SubConf yourname” to the right of Live Conference. This will open the subconference panel, where both of you will be displayed.
6. When you are finished with your private conversation, click on the Merge icon (arrow in square, to the right of the Duration timer). This will return both of you to the main conference.