Privacy Policy

TelePraySM recognizes and respects the importance of maintaining the accuracy, security and privacy of your personal information. This Privacy Policy is a statement of our guidelines and practices with respect to the collection, use, protection and disclosure of personal information collected through your use of the TelePray website and services.

Information Collection

We may collect personal information from you on our website, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • To provide and maintain the Service
  • To notify you about changes to our Service
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features of our Service when you choose to do so
  • To provide customer care and support
  • To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service
  • To monitor the usage of the Service
  • To detect, prevent and address technical issues

The information we request may include personally identifiable information such as your name, billing address, telephone number, e-mail address or credit card information. It is solely your choice whether or not you provide this personally identifiable information. However, should you choose not to provide the information, we may be unable to process an order, fulfill a service or display certain content on the Site. We do not sell or rent personal information, including personally identifiable information, to unrelated third parties.

Information Disclosure

We disclose personal information provided to us if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary. These circumstances include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) to respond to judicial process or to comply with legal process served on us; (b) to protect the security and integrity of our website and services; (c) to protect and defend our rights and property and the rights and property of others; (d) to take precautions against liability; (e) to respond to claims that submitted information violates the rights or interests of third parties; (f) to correct technical problems and malfunctions in how the Site operates or processes visitors' information; or (g) pursuant to your specific direction in connection with a service we are providing on your behalf.

Use of Browser Cookies

Cookies are small files sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device, which may include an anonymous unique identifier. which can be used to provide you with a tailored experience, such as by storing information about your preferences. We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information. This information is used to improve and analyze our Service. You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.

Transfer of Data

Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to – and maintained on – computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction. If you are located outside the United States and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including Personal Data, to the United States and process it there. Your consent to this Privacy Policy followed by your submission of such information represents your agreement to that transfer. TelePray will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.


We utilize reasonable and appropriate protections and procedural safeguards to ensure that personal information in our care is not misused or accessed without authorization. Personal information is stored on our own platforms or on the platforms of our service providers, with access restricted to those employees or contractors who have a need for such access to perform a legitimate business function relating to the services or for maintenance, internal security or related issues.

Third Party Web Sites

The TelePray website may contain links to third party websites. While we try to link only to sites that share our high standards and respect for privacy, we are not responsible for the content or the privacy practices of any third party websites. For this reason, we encourage you to review the privacy policies of these websites before disclosing any personal information to or through them.

Children's Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

Notices Required by California Law

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California residents are entitled to the following specific consumer rights information. The provider of this service is Advanced Communications Solutions LLC, 4905 Del Ray Avenue, Suite 300, Bethesda, MD 20854. To file a complaint regarding this policy, please write us at the above address or send an email to . You may also contact the Consumer Information Center of the Department of Consumer Affairs by mail at 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N-112, Sacramento, CA 95834, by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210, or by email to Under California law, California Residents who have an established business relationship with TelePray may choose to opt out of TelePray's disclosure of personal information about them to third parties for direct marketing purposes. As detailed above, TelePray does not disclose any personal information to third parties for direct marketing purposes.


By submitting personal information to TelePray or its affiliates and agents, you agree that we may collect, use and disclose such personal information in accordance with this privacy policy and a permitted or required by law. Your use of the TelePray website and services signifies your assent to this Privacy Policy.


We reserve the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of the TelePray website and service following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes acceptance of those changes.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, or if you believe that we have acted contrary to this Privacy Policy, please notify us by email to

Last Revised: March 1, 2024