About Us

We first introduced Free Conference USA in 2010, hosting millions of free conference calls, with near-perfect reliability. Based on our experience serving thousands of prayer lines, we created TelePraySM, designed and packaged exclusively for group worship, study, and faith discussions. All with no ads, no email spam, no punishing "mobile surcharges", and no pestering for “donations” or paid upgrades.


So, how is this free?

When your phone company connects your call to a phone number served by a different phone company, your phone company pays a small per-minute usage fee to that other phone company. So, even though your phone company may not charge you extra for these calls, your phone company does pay the other phone company a small amount (typically less then three cents for a 30-minute phone call). U.S. regulations allow phone companies to compensate service providers for lawfully promoting network usage. So essentially, our compensation indirectly comes from the fees that your conference participants pay to their phone providers. All free conference providers operate on the same basis. TelePray does not charge you or your callers, though some landline callers may billed long distance charges by their phone company when calling a TelePray access number.
